Science for America is a solutions incubator
to address urgent challenges, driven by an unprecedented alliance of leading philanthropic organizations
SFA scientists lay out a blueprint for a national system to facilitate routine “cancer recurrence interception trials.”
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See the newsThe world is facing so many urgent challenges and opportunities—in climate, health, equity, leadership, innovation, and much more. Science and technology will be central in responding—because they have the ability to produce transformative solutions. America’s unique capabilities for bold innovation will be essential for success—for this country and for the world. The actions we take over the next ten years will define the course of the next hundred.
The actions we take over the next ten years will define the course of the next hundred.
That’s why some of the nation’s leading philanthropic groups have joined together in an unprecedented alliance—called Science for America—with the mission of working across sectors to identify, shape, and accelerate game-changing solutions.
Science for America’s mission will be to serve as a ‘solutions incubator.’
It will work to create clear vision and strategic plans for urgent challenges; to incubate solutions; and to work with partners to launch them and ensure their success.
Science for America will:
- Focus initially on five urgent challenges: the climate and energy crisis; medicine and public health; STEM equity and education; leadership and responsibility in critical technologies; and new models to support research and innovation.
- Convene brilliant, accomplished and diverse experts, with a wide range of experiences and perspectives.
- Develop clear vision for game-changing solutions, drawing on both existing examples and new ideas.
- Incubate solutions and develop execution plans that could take the form of specific projects, larger initiatives, shared project facilities, coalitions across sectors, new companies, advocacy groups, and more.
- Foster collaborations with philanthropic partners and other organizations to ensure the success of the solutions.
Science for America’s work seeks to leverage and complement vibrant efforts across all sectors—learning from successes and sharing its own findings. It will aim to be a bridge across the philanthropic organizations in identifying bold solutions that they—and others—may pursue individually or collaboratively; a partner with efforts in industry, academia, and elsewhere; and a supporter of critical efforts in government.
& Energy Crisis
Equity &
Leadership &